
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Pukeko

Ki Orana Bloggers

Today Im learning about Pukekos.
Pukekos are vegetarians that also eats seeds, stems and shoots. They have a dark blue body with black feathers and thin orange legs. Pukeko are Native birds that live in wetlands, lagoons and swamps. That is were you can find them. Pukekos have wings but they don't fly great and thats why they stay on ground. The Pukeko mostly eat tussock grass and they use their strong, red beaks to cut into the bottom juicy part of the grass. They are strong at swimming and fast at running.  

Image result for Pukeko


  1. Hey tearo
    Its me ashtyn Great job on you work keep going!

    1. Thanks Ashtyn you are my bff after
      all thanks for replying to my blog.
      From Tearo

  2. Great work
    Good on u,keep working hard


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